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【フランスから映画の感想と一緒に手作りポーチのプレゼント】(↓English below)

シーシェパードのポール・ワトソンが長く住んでいたのがフランスですが「Behind THE COVE」を鑑賞したフランスの方から、手作りのポーチを送ってくださりました。凄い気持ちがこもっていて感激です。



[A review of my film and a handmade pouch arrived from France]
Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd lived for a long time in France, where recently I received a review of "Behind the COVE" and a handmade pouch from a woman who saw my film. I was touched by her heartfelt gift.

She asked for a photo of the pouch or see if I had received it safely. She also went to the trouble of translating from other's from French to English with photo. I’d like to share their reviews with you all.

This is an example that that the film is reaching the hearts of people outside of Japan.

[The Coveを見たことがある : はい]
1)映画THE COVEは太地町の漁師を、野蛮人、イルカやクジラを虐殺する者、世界の「善人」であり、世界全体を自分達のように「善人」にしたいと願う「親切な」アメリカ人に対して、極めて無慈悲で暴力的な人である風に見せている。
「BEHIND THE COVE」は、そんな、勝手に他人へ信条を押し付けるアメリカ人への素晴らしい答えである。




5)映画「BEHIND THE COVE」は、ヴィーガンは、自分たちの食料消費スタイルだけが唯一許されるべきもので、どんな手段でもそれを他人に押し付けたいという、不幸な信念を持っていることを改めて示している。しかし、ヴィーガンにそんな事をさせてはいけない!もし私たちが肉や魚を食べるのが好きなら、私たちにはその権利があり、同様にヴィーガンには食べないという権利がある。
結論から言うと、「BEHIND THE COVE」は、世界的に拡散している日本の誤ったイメージと非難に対して、自分たちを守ろうと決意した人々の反応、そして別のバージョンの「事実」を映し出すのに、不可欠なものだったと思う。

1) この映画が存在することのメリットはあり、何もないよりはいい。






[Have seen The Cove : YES]
1)THE COVE presents the Taiji hunters as barbarians, slaughterers of dolphins and whales, extremely unsympathetic and violent towards the “kind” Americans who are the “good” people of the world and wish to make the entire world as “good” as them.
BEHIND THE COVE is an excellent answer to those lesson givers that are Americans.

2)First, this film highlight the fact that this hunt is ancestral, that it is part of the Japanese traditions, that everything is exploited in the animal (flesh, oil, skin, bones etc ...) contrary to other countries like Russia or Norway.
Americans want to impose their ideas and way of life on the rest of the world and the Japanese are an ideal target for them because it is a respectful and non-aggressive people.

3)The film clearly shows that the Japanese kill whales and dolphins that live happily in freedom while Americans or Europeans kill animals that are unhappy all their life in intensive breeding. In addition, they are often slaughtered badly.
Of course, when you see the Taiji Bay red blood dolphins, it's impressive, but it's the same on a smaller scale on traditional fishing boats and in our slaughterhouses.
(Note from the translator: This comment is made by a person who often fished at sea and each time the boat was still covered with blood. It was not a crime anyway.)

4)If cetacean hunting is to be banned then we must also ban hunting, bullfighting, feeding of geese, consumption of dog meat in Vietnam, etc. Or we must respect and accept the customs of each.
If the Americans want to ban the sale of dolphins for training, they should start by closing all their parks in Florida or elsewhere

5)The film BEHIND THE COVE shows once again that Vegans have the unfortunate conviction that their mode of consumption is the only one acceptable and that they want to impose it on others at all costs. But do not let them do it! If we like to eat meat or fish, we have the right, just as they have the right not to eat it.
In conclusion we think that BEHIND THE COVE was indispensable to bring another version of the facts, the response of a people who decided to defend themselves against accusations spread worldwide and giving a false image of Japan.

[Have seen The Cove : NO]
1)It has the merit of existing and it is better than nothing.

2)We find in it general propaganda in our western society, well denounced by the film, through para- governmental agencies (called NGOs to believe in their independence) either subsidized indirectly, or living on the media notoriety acquired without much scruples, as Sea Sheperd.

3)The detestable mentality of Sea Sheperd (veganist aim, make the buzz, distort information to achieve its ends, etc ...) is well described.

4)Internationally, these agencies are often American and serve to support US foreign policy (Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Human Rights, Reporter without Borders, etc ...) at the expense of the opinions of other countries.

5)The movie is very interesting and informative.

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