NEWS 最新情報


【世界中の皆様へ拡散のお願い】(English below)

そういった多くの指摘を受けている中、現在、「Behind THE COVE」は、各社大手配信会社からネットで配信、また、DVDも発売されており、ほぼ、全てのジャンルからご鑑賞頂ける環境を各社のご協力により頂いています。
この機会を無駄にしないよう、ぜひとも、皆さんの周囲の海外にお住まいの方にも、「Behind THE COVE」が鑑賞できる環境が整っている期間中に、お見逃しないよう、拡散していただければ幸いです。


[PLEASE SHARE with everyone in the world]
The Japanese whaling issue is once again a hot topic. I believe that the biggest problem is the lack of outgoing messages from Japan.
Despite such similar opinions on the matter, my film "Behind THE COVE" has been available on DVD, as well as most major online distribution companies, and is viewable on most platforms, which I am thankful for.
In particular, Netflix has translated my film into various languages and is currently available in 189 countries which is most of the world (other than countries without diplomatic relations such as North Korea). If you are familiar with the film industry, this is a very rare opportunity.
Please take this opportunity, and let all your friends who live abroad know that "Behind THE COVE" is currently available.
I think 2019 will be an important year for the whaling issue. Currently, as most of the visual information about the pros and cons of the matter is [almost 100% ANTI whaling. I believe it is important for everyone to know what to the what the opposite opinions are, and that people should base their judgment after being informed on both sides of the story.
I am accept offers of screenings with Q&A sessions, not only in Japan, but also overseas. I encourage you to organize such events in your neighborhood and communities.
Many of those who watched my film from overseas have sent back great feedback saying that my film is amazing and that it has been an eyeopener, and that they were surprised at how much they didn’t know about the whaling issue. Some who were either members or contributors to Sea Shepherd's campaigns have said they no longer are or make donations.
The DVD is available in Japanese, and also in a Japanese / English bilingual version. Other languages are also available on request only, so please make inquires by sending an email to our office address below.


◎国内&海外:ネット配信 Netflix & iTunes
◇Netflix ◇iTunes Store ◇Amazonビデオ ◇dTV
◇GooglePlay/YouTube(有料配信) ◇ビデオマーケット
◇GYAO!ストア ◇U-NEXT ◇クランクイン!ビデオ
◇TSUTAYA TV ◇DMM. com ◇ひかりTV
◇ ◇楽天SHOWTIME ◇LEONET ◇アクトビラ
◇J:COMオンデマンド ◇ビデオパス ◇ミルプラス

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