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【ニューヨークの映画祭での様々な偶然】(English below)

現地、29日にIFFNYのAward Ceremony があり、Honorable Mention(審査員特別賞)を受賞しました。
本映画祭が各国からSocial Issue(社会問題)をテーマにした映画祭だけに意味ある場所で選ばれたと思いました。

「鯨と戦争」と切っても切れない深い関係があるのですが、よりによって現地アメリカで戦没者を追悼するMemorial Dayに上映されたのです。これは主催者が狙ったのか、偶然なのか・・。

そして、さらに驚いた事に、映画祭が行なわれた場所はハリウッド映画の各社が西海岸へ移動する前の私の前職Paramount Picturesのニューヨークの本社だったのです!!!

P.S. 実はQueensという地名が良くて昔、映画の真似をして数ヶ月住んだことがある地でもあるのです。

【Various coincidences at a New York film festival】

The Award Ceremony was held on May 29th and I received a Honorable Mention for my film at International Filmmaker Festival of New York.
I thought that this was meaningful, as it was a film festival of films on the theme of Social Issues.

There is a deep and inseparable relationship with the "Whale issue and War", but interestingly my film was screened on Memorial Day, a day in the US to memorialize those who died in the war. I’m not sure if this was an intentional move by the organizers, or just a coincidence.

And more surprisingly, the place where the film festival was held was the headquarters and studios of Paramount Pictures (I used to work at its Japanese office), before movie companies moved from New York to Hollywood!!!
Many coincidences have occurred to me, but the odds of this is just surprising, in terms of the number of companies that exist.
Studios where actors like Harrison Ford and Al Pacino worked are still here and used today. These are facts I would not have known unless it was elected in this festival.

P.S. I actually lived in Queens for a couple months, imitating a film I saw.

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