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【世界自然・野生生物映像祭のご報告】(↓English below)





この映画では、イルカ・鯨が海軍によるソナーテストや商業船による身体のストレスを証明しています。座礁した鯨類をスキャン、脳や耳から出血していることや、2001年9月11日(テロ事件時)に商業船が運行停止時にはストレスがなくなったことを解説されていました。正に「Behind THE COVE」の話を裏付ける内容になっていました。

本映画祭は、圧力に関係なく独自に作品を選んでいるそうで、クジラ問題をこれまでとは違った角度で捉えた作品「ソニック・シー:海の不協和音」(環境保護賞)と並び「Behind THE COVE」に「新しい視点賞」をくださった事は大変光栄であり感謝しています。

[Report on Japan Wildlife Film Festival]

The Japan Wildlife Film Festival started on Monday, April 2, and the venue moved from Tokyo to Toyama, wrapping up a successful event.

Embassy officials from various countries also attended, and it felt a little different from other film festivals. Maybe because this festival specializes in the environment.

After the screening in Aoyama, I also went to Toyama, and held a screening & discussion event. The venue was in a very rustic traditional Japanese house, something overseas visitors would enjoy.

The film I was most interested in among the other nominated films was "Sonic Sea" from Discovery Channel, which also dealt with the topic of whales.

This film proves that dolphins and whales are under physical stress due to sonar tests by the navy and commercial ships. In the film, stranded cetaceans were scanned, showing bleeding from the brain and ears. The film also showed how the stress in whales was not evident during the terrorist attacks on 11th September 2001 when commercial ships weren’t operating. This backs up something I discuss in my film "Behind THE COVE".

The film festival says they select films independently, regardless of any external pressure. I am honored to have won a award for "Behind THE COVE" (New Perspective Award), along with the film "Sonic Sea" (Best Environmental Award) which takes a new perspective on the issue of whales.

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