NEWS 最新情報


【Many dramas in US】(日本語は後半)

The screening of my film in New York / Los Angeles has finished and I came back to Japan.
Without knowing any network of industry personnel, this whole venture was repeated trial & error, with various dramas happening everyday.
Despite this, in New York, a Croatian American man was so impressed with my film that he came back the next day just to tell me his impressions for nearly an hour. One Japanese American saw my film three times.
Many Americans living in the US thanked me for making the film. Other Americans told me,
"the editing is sloppy but this film is a far more "real" documentary than "The Cove "which only showed a one sided perspective”. Such comments made it worth the effort.
This has been a good opportunity to show the members of the Academy Awards
the damage caused to the town of Taiji after "The Cove", and to raise the question of whether
the true value of a documentary should be based on truthful facts, or its entertainment elements.
All this has been possible because of the support from our crowdfunding and the cooperation of everyone who helped us behind the scenes.
Although some harsh reviews were written about my film in various media, I am happy with some. One said the film made one question political international conferences in general, and Deadline introduced my work as an "Eco-Thriller". I felt honored to have my film reviewed in the Los Angeles Times. Although it wasn't a favorable review,
the fact that they used a photo of a scene where Sea Shepherd attacks a Japanese whaling ship, rather than the photo from a scene catching whales, is a good way to appeal to the public about Sea Shepherd's violence and the unreasonableness of the whaling issue.
This release in the US has given me a foothold in this county to spread my film through screenings at school institutions and various organizations in the future, and use my film as a discussion point for " respect for religion and food", "the relationship between war and whales", and "nationalism in various countries".


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